
Saturday, July 29, 2006

one of my random penned lines

I am no great writer - on the rare occasions I do put down something, the theme is similar to the one expressed below. Wrote this last year ( I think ! )

above I soar
my wings spread
the winds rushing past
in this freedom I glory
the vast expanse
brings in to focus my minuteness
and by being part of this infinity,
i rid myself of my smallness
how I wish i was you - winged one;
one with emptiness and solitude
not for you the ego and the facade
no envelopes or cocoons to hold you
to be able to fly in to this little apartment ledge
and talk to pretty eyes on a whim
u would probably say - because you want, you cant fly
that is what holds you down my friend
while i sit here with clear head and calm smile
talking to the one you desire to be with
let go and you shall be
holds out his claw and asks - can i set you free ?

Friday, July 28, 2006

A Muse on Learning

This blog is a pretty good one for information which is of immediate use. Focuses on technology as the enabler for better teaching (and hence education).
While I am all for any improvements that technology can bring, I am frustrated with the bigger issue at hand. Learning needs teachers to have wisdom. and wisdom often has little correlation with knowledge (of the information kind). Living in a society as it exists today, the sensory overload and the race to be bigger, better, richer; for action does not portend very well to a wiser world. Here is where a Gurukul kind of system; techniques like the one espoused by Vipassana offer some hope.
If anyone has some experience with Gurukuls and Vipassana, please write in.

Small Rant on buzzwords

One of the things that makes me stay away from a lot of so called technical discussions is the inane, moronic usage of acronyms, buzzwords and talk about things which are in fact simple. Now, I can understand a few people using high falutin words as a mechanism to hide their ignorance - how did this phenomenon become so prevalent ? The disease is endemic - whether it be our industry or fields like the life sciences.
Cut out the BS folks - wil save you a lot of breath as this technique of meditation tries to tell you.
Current peeves - Web 2.0, AJAX. Long running hate list - SOA, component, architecture, scalability, reusability. Excuse me while i go and barf some.
One reason why i love environments such as this one. Clean, precise, beautiful and expressive. Almost better than sex is how I describe the experience.

Java VM black magic

This makes for some interesting reading. My question to Sun is - why the heck dont you document some of these things ? Would help some of us when dealing with esoteric issues and searching for solutions.